Thursday, March 5, 2015

Snow...... Have you see The Shining?

No I don't like the snow
Not in the winter 
Not from the north
Not with hot chocolate 
Not on a horse 
I do not want to play
I do not think oh yay
I just want to wear my pretty sandals and pretty clips in my hair.
I don't think sledding would be fun
When they call for the white stuff I just want to run
Why can't it just be sunny
Oh I just can't wait until this weather just dissipates
So until I see the sun I just won't be having fun

Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Pancakes.......

So, last night we had horrible wind and I'm a light sleeper. So, I couldn't sleep much and I did what all of us Facebook addicts do: I looked at posts my friends made about Valentines Day and all the other pages I follow. So I found a page called Recipe Place which had a recipe for Cinnamon Roll Pancakes!! Well, my family LOVES cinnamon Rolls but the dough takes forever to make from scratch and the tubes you can buy at the store are super expensive and not as good as home-made. So, at 2:30 AM, I decide I'm going to make these for breakfast. In my insomnia, I did not even consider the fact that I came to bed last night without doing the dishes cause, dang it, it was Valentines Day! This morning, when I got up and wanted to make the pancakes, I really did regret that decision, but I didn't let that stop me! I pulled out all the bowls and ingredients and got to mixin'. While this recipe takes a bit of prep and a lot of ingredients, it is soooo worth it! These are the best pancakes/cinnamon rolls I have ever had!!!
Here is the link to the facebook post Click here. I started out by piping the cinnamon filling as the post suggests, but it is very thick and it caused my sandwich bag to come apart. After one or two pancakes, I started just dropping small amounts of the filling all around the pancakes like you would blueberries or chocolate chips. If you have a small family or you do not want to make a large amount and freeze them, I would suggest cutting the recipe in half cause I cooked a bunch of pancakes and still had more than half the batter left. Once we were done eating, I turned my griddle back on and started cooking again. Once they cooled completely, I separated them with wax paper and put them in the freezer for later. Next time, all I will have to do is make the glaze which is the easiest part of the recipe. Anywho, they are so yummy, tender, and moist. The filling gets melty and gooey and just a bit crisp in places. It's out of this world yummy!!!!

Here is the recipe but definitively check out out their page for more yummy food!
Cinnamon Roll Pancake Recipe PANCAKE INGREDIENTS:
4 C. all-purpose flour
 8 teaspoons baking powder
 2 tsp. salt
 4 C. milk
 4 T. vegetable oil
 4 large eggs, lightly beaten
PANCAKE DIRECTIONS: 1. Mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ingredients in another bowl. 2. Stir them together until everything is moistened leaving a few lumps.
1 C. butter, melted
 1 1/2 C. brown sugar, packed
 2 T. ground cinnamon
CINNAMON FILLING DIRECTIONS: 1. Mix the three ingredients together. Place in a disposable piping bag and snip the end off or put in a Ziploc bag and snip the corner off. (This will keep in the fridge so you can make them again and again and again!) 2. Heat your griddle to 325 degrees. You don't want these too cook too quickly. Make desired size pancake on greased griddle and then using the piping bag and starting at the center of the pancake, create a cinnamon swirl. Wait until the pancake has lots of bubble before you try to turn it. You will find that when you turn it the cinnamon swirl will melt. If you have your griddle too hot, it will burn the cinnamon, so I suggest 325. The cinnamon kind of melts out and creates the craters which then fill perfectly with the cream cheese glaze.
1/2 C. butter
 4 oz. cream cheese
 1 1/2 C. powdered sugar
 1 tsp. vanilla
 CREAM CHEESE GLAZE DIRECTIONS: 1. In a microwave safe bowl melt the butter and cream cheese and then stir together. 2. Whisk in the powdered sugar and vanilla. 3. Add a little milk if needed to make it a glaze consistency.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Just a little about me...........

So for my 1st ever post I feel like I should just introduce myself. I'm am just your normal everyday SAHM (Stay at home MOM). Most day I feel overwhelmed and under staffed. From the time I get up in the morning till the time I lay down and go to sleep at night I have someone or multiple someones talking to me. Normally nonstop. It does not matter if I'm in the shower, bathroom, making doctors appointments or trying to do any of the many tasks I have to tackle during the day. So much so that most day these tasks do no get completed. In fact as I was just writing this my 5 year old announced loudly that he has opened our large umbrella, in the house no less, and can not get it to shut.  Anywho, I started my journey as a SAHM when I was on maternity leave with my Son, the 5 year old, I actually had no intentions of staying home. After trying to find a daycare that I one felt comfortable using and two could afford to use with out it costing my whole paycheck the hubbs and I decided it was best for me to be a full time mommy.  So almost 6 years later and one more kid, here I am still on this fantastic, scary, busy and frustrating journey. So of my my post will be about my kids and the hubs, others will be recipes that my friends and family loved, other will be about the art and the crafts that I create and want to share with you all.

So until the next post....... Create, Enjoy and Love!