Monday, February 2, 2015

Just a little about me...........

So for my 1st ever post I feel like I should just introduce myself. I'm am just your normal everyday SAHM (Stay at home MOM). Most day I feel overwhelmed and under staffed. From the time I get up in the morning till the time I lay down and go to sleep at night I have someone or multiple someones talking to me. Normally nonstop. It does not matter if I'm in the shower, bathroom, making doctors appointments or trying to do any of the many tasks I have to tackle during the day. So much so that most day these tasks do no get completed. In fact as I was just writing this my 5 year old announced loudly that he has opened our large umbrella, in the house no less, and can not get it to shut.  Anywho, I started my journey as a SAHM when I was on maternity leave with my Son, the 5 year old, I actually had no intentions of staying home. After trying to find a daycare that I one felt comfortable using and two could afford to use with out it costing my whole paycheck the hubbs and I decided it was best for me to be a full time mommy.  So almost 6 years later and one more kid, here I am still on this fantastic, scary, busy and frustrating journey. So of my my post will be about my kids and the hubs, others will be recipes that my friends and family loved, other will be about the art and the crafts that I create and want to share with you all.

So until the next post....... Create, Enjoy and Love!

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